I keep my Promises

I know you are sitting here reading this next entry just like I said you would in this post. I also know that you know that I've been following and watching Amber these last few days like I have been for the pass several months.

I watched her go to church on Sunday in her beautiful dress. No one even noticed the fact that I sat in the back row completely alone and I didn't even get up during the songs. Don't blame me though, I'm just not that religious. Not only that but I can't carry a tune to save my life. Oh how beautiful Amber's voice was though. It's funny how such a sinner can fool everyone in a church setting. Luckily, I was able to slip away right before the service was over.

Then on Monday through Wednesday, I just kept following Amber around like usual. Sometimes in my car but also on foot since I wouldn't want Amber to notice the van following her all the time. Out of sight, out of mind. I followed her to her doctor, her yoga class, several different stores and like always, I even looked into her window as she slept.

Then on Thursday, I followed her into work like I usually do. Her working retail makes my own job so easy since as far as Amber is aware, I'm just one of those "regular" customers. One of the ones that just comes in at least once a week to buy a crappy pack of cigarettes  Usually I go through someone else's line after standing in a random isle for a little while watching Amber happily ring up customers. However, this time I decided to switch up things a bit. I decided to go through Amber's line and while we are all being honest here, I was a bit nervous. This would be the first time that I ever said anything to her. When it was finally my turn to check out, I smiled at her and simply asked for a pack of the cheapest cigarettes they carry. She told me the total, I handed her the cash and when she went to give me the cigarettes, our hands touched for the first time. Smirking, I told her "Oh my, you have the softest skin." and before she could reply, I turned and walked out.

I wonder how long it will take for our dear Amber to notice the unopened cigarette pack under her driver's seat. Don't worry though, I will be there to count the seconds.


Friday, April 19, 2013, 8:17 AM